Multiple choice numerical output that results in more than 1 digit [ie 10, 11...etc] returns null.
Hi All, I am hoping someone can help me out on an issue I am seeing with multiple choice selection output. I currently have 4 items to choose from in the multiple choice list.…
Do you plan to make the email function available on Mac version?
For now the mail function is only scriptable on the cloud version. Do you plan to make it available for Mac desktop users? A "no" answer would be very disapointing... Thanks!
Http GET request including a WRAP authorisation header
I want to pull information from a timesheet web application - Dovico which has an api. The request works in Postman and powerbi so I'm pretty sure its my code below with regards to the Authorization…
How to fix ‘QuickBooks Unable to Backup Company File’ Error?
QuickBooks Unable to Backup Company File.
API file upload
Hi, Do you know if the upload file API method is working ? Someone can give an example ? Thanks a lot.
How customers access the database?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/q745debiyaslnxi/%E5%AE%A2%E6%88%B6.ninox?dl=0 Suppose I have three (or more) customers A.B.C. How do they access the NINOX database (only applicable to the data I opened to…
Images Dragged from Websites Are Not Working Correctly
I have two image fields. I drag one image from a website into one image field, then I drag a different image into the second image field. They look like this: Then when I exit the record,…
Multiple choice make choices in a subreport
i have a multiple choice field called options. i am wanting to make choices in options and then it automatically make them for me in my subreport. as of now,…
Can Ninox sync with either Google Calendar and or Ical for Mac? If so, how?
Can Ninox sync with either Google Calendar and or Ical for Mac? If so, how?
How can I import all the information from another ninox database ?
I have two different database on ninox and I want to create a new database in which a can import all the information from the other two. Is there anyway to do that without loosing all the information…
Perdita dati e struttura DataBase dopo sincronizzazione
Ho fatto la sincronizzazione del DB ninox dalla app a quello online. Al termine della sincronizzazione ho perso tutto il lavoro fatto negli ultimi giorni.…
Half screen view
Hi. I have opened the same db on two different computers, Chrome on both. On one, the view for a linked table (form) opens fully but on the other on less than half of the screen.…
Graphic data per Year/Month
Hi, I have interest to view DATA by GRAPHIC. My DATA are information per month and year. It’s possible show all DATA per YEAR in the same graphic? This is the DATA:…
calculate miles driven
In a table BMW Miles I have columns date, miles, gallons, cost, distance. I want a formula to subtract previous.record.miles from current.record.miles and enter result in current.record.distance.…
Move value of field to a new field for entire table
Hello, I need to copy the value of one field to a new field in the same table but I need to do this for all the records in the table. I know I can do it for one specific record at a time but what…
Selecting specific records
Hi. I have a formula in table a looking up a value in table b. Value b has multiple records as table c looks up values from table b. Is there any way I can select specific records,…
schedule calculations for a tour
I am looking to do schedule calculations for a tour. I would like to calculate the arrival hour for each stage by entering only the departure hour. the calculation is simple but the formatting a…
How to set a value of a field if a subtable contains rows
Hi, I got a form which contains a subtable which links to another table. If I have a row in that subtable on this record, then I want a field to show a certain value (I want to indicate that there is…
Different layout for desktop and mobile
I would really like to set a different form lay-out when I open my DB on a desktop vs. when i open it on my iPhone in Safari.
Hello, I have an image than contains a pdf. I created a button to print the layout with one element : the image. The goal is to import it. Here is my script : let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this,…
Default view
Good day, Some users ask me if their last view settings could be applied the next time they open the app. They use some filters and they would like those filters / columns to appear according to…
Embed /URL
Hi. Where can I find the embed code or the url to my database?
How to sort records on print format?
I have a table, and want to sort by a couple of the column. I got a good suggestion of creating a column with a the concatenated fields and use this one to sort. SO far so good.…
Send Email only once and when Text Block was changed
Hi! I want to get notified per email if a user has made changes on a thread or when a given deadline has expired. Regarding the first condition, there is a Text Block where the user can write…