How do I view the table only on startup?
HI! I am sorry if I am missing something here, but how to I view the form with the first record right away when I open the table. For now once I open the table first thing in the morning it shows me…
date = Today () returns nothing. (
Hello! I got a date field. I created a formula column in that table to filter records with the date of today with a simple formula: date = Today () But it returns nothing.…
Mac v 2.6.9 ISSUE - RTF inline images after restart vanished
Its great that you can add images to rtf text fields but after closing ninox the inline images are vanished. Please fix this bug.
Bonjour Mail Groupé
Bonjour qui peut m’aider je voudrais envoyer le même mail à l'ensemble des contact sectionné dans ma table contact
Working with formulas
I am want to see if TABLE 1's field A is between 1 and 26 inculsive. If True, value goes into field B as new record. In "Visual" mode and using the if/then/else function,…
Mac Version: Are dates limited by OS X Date?
A date typed in as 1 Jan 1950 appeared to be returned as 31 Dec 1969. This suggests that OS X is limiting older dates, is that correct. In general OS X doesn't work well with dates before 1972,…
linking tables only using a numeric field
When linking tables if the "One" table only has a numeric field when it appears in the "Many" table it shows up as "un-named". However, if I add a text field/s they will show up in the listing on the…
Cant edit my Database anymore / cant save
I am trying to edit a table in Admin mode, after i made the changes I press save and than then loading icon shows up. After some minutes there comes an error message. (Server did not answered.…
How to change multiple dates to one year later?
Hello, I have a table that is essentially a large 'to-do list' with many fixed dates that need to be replicated every year. Ideally what i'd like to be able to do is click a button when the task is…
How to Format a Field?
Seems like a simple questions I know, but As a neophyte I figured out changing the date format in the table, however, the same field in a form shows up in the original date format and its not…
Locking records
Hi. I have a table A with many formulas, linked other another tables; B, C and D. Values in B, C and D will change, but I want to lock the records (values) that I have created in A so that these…
View form only
Apologies if I'm missing something obvious here but I've created some tables and forms to go with them. Until I logged in today I could view the forms without the table but today I can't seem to view…
Export Record, Import Record?
Is there a way to do this? I want to split one table into two tables. I duplicated the table, exported the table, imported the table, but the only data transferred was that shown in the table view,…
Link to view
Hi. I have three tables; Table A (top level), Table B (reference from A and additional data), Table C (reference from B with more detaled data). Data from C is summarised in B,…
How to Mass Create Records in a Sub-Table.
I now have packages arriving internationally and have found that they may have several tracking numbers as they move through various countries and/or carriers.…
Creando un registro en una tabla que tiene enlaces con otras tablas
Hola. Alguien puede ayudarme por favor, tengo dias buscando pero no comprendo bien el inglés. Estoy creando un registro desde un botón pero cuando tengo que asignar un valor que pertenece a una tabla…
Importing structure
can I import a database structure from the cloud to a desk top version of the app
Space colour
Hi I have inserted some spaces on my form but they are a different colour to the background - how do I make them the same colour?
Sending Calendar Entries from Ninox
Earlier today, a client asked me how to send booking confirmations including .ICS calendar files so that they would be added to the attendee's calendar.…
Besoin aide ouvrir et imputer
Bonjour je voudrais ouvir une page internet et imputer des champs de remplissage de ce site avec de champs ninox merci de votre aide
Une image statique pour tous les records d'une table
Hello to you,How to reproduce the same image automatically on all the records of a table. When creating a new form, I want the image field to be static by default, is this possible?
How to print (or copy) a unique record instead of printing the entire database in tabular form
New to Ninox! What is the best way to print (or copy) a unique, single record instead of printing my entire database as a table. I know I can export the database as a CSV file and then open Excel,…
Can you copy/duplicate a field?
I'm creating a db that will have multiple identical fields. The field name will be unique but the purpose of the field will remain the same. ie. tv1 - brand tv2 brand tv1 screensize, t2 screens size.…
which formula to sum
I have two choices fields which are filled with numbers, i would like in a formula fields to sum the two fields according to the number i choose, which formula should i use ? I tried : sum('choice' ,…