table view with both combo box (selected options and 'empty or null option) in same view
On a table view I have a combo box that I want to filter the view to only a 2 out of say 6 combo options trouble is that i also want to filter the same view to pick up any empty (null/not selected…
Creating a dependent Child record. Use of 'this' statement.
I would like to create children records when there is a status change in the parent. I can get everything to populate but the foreign key of the parent. Volunteer --> Timesheet.…
How to Parse Text Into Multiple Form Fields on Button Click
I have a field with text that I am trying to parse into multiple form fields when a button is clicked. For example I'd like to break the following text out into the fields below:…
delete x qty of records
Any suggestion why this script below has been accepted but not worked ? What is has done is instead of deleting x records it has delete all the records in the table DEJOBS I just want to delete only…
Tabellenfilter Sichtbarkeit nicht auf Verknüpfung übertragen
Hallo, für eine Tabelle habe ich die Sichtbarkeit (lesbar wenn) eingeschränkt: if userRole() = "editor" then text(abgelaufen) != "X"else userIsAdmin()end In der Tabelle Aufträge selbst ist die…
date - year - select - vista
Hi everyone, I have a question for you.. if it is possible.. I have a table "PACCHETTI" with a linked-field to another table: "scuderia" and a date field.…
How does the email field work in the cloud version?
Pivot table cration
How can i define a pivot table? I created one in the view schedule but the data are empty
Button Code Help Please
What code would I use to make this button set the Location field to empty? The Location filed is a reference from table.
Moving Columns from Available Columns to Visible Columns
I've a Column showing in the Available column list but it wont allow me to move tot he Visinle Columns list as its from a join table.. is there away i can make visible ?
Issue about the duplicates…
Hi, Strange thing about the duplicates. I use a script to display the duplicates. I do not get the right numbers of originals : 16 instead of 41 ! What can explain such an error ? Thanks.
Where is the error ?
Hi, I wrote this script for a button to link values between to tables : do as server for i in select Table2 do let myRec:= i. 'Couleur' let mySup:= first( select Couleur [ Couleur = myRec] ) i.…
How to print PDF on Android
I,m trying to print a PDF on Android tablet. Print button shows up, but nothing happens. Workin well on iPad. Any suggestions?
duplicate table
Hi, I'm moving the first steps on your app. Is it possible to duplicate a table (in the same database)? thanks in advance
Importing fields with carriage returns
I am baffled after two weeks of failures. I'm trying to import a CSV file. It works fine except for where my original data includes carriage returns in a field.…
Replace all the end of words "XX" by end "Y" ?
Hi Could someone tell me how could I replace all the end of words "ae" by end "é" ? Ex Ciconidae > ciconidé Aramidae> Aramidé Columbidae > Columbidé Falconidae> Falconidé Thanks
Sum the checked / ticked Dynamic Multiple Choice
Hi, I have a list of Multiple Choice Dynamic Radio Buttons, I am trying to sum or count the amount of 'checked' items. For example, using the dynamic list as a checklist,…
Will Bindings come to Views (of Tables)?
This to me makes most sense for utilising the power of bindings. Not everyone wants to view tabular data with the same columns, same filters, etc. Great new feature and fun to play with,…
How do you print address labels?
How do you print address labels?
Create multiple records in a subtable?
Hi NX community, some help with code needed here please... In a table "A" I need a button to create n rows in a subtable "B" at once ("n" being a number which can vary from 1 to n).…
How do I format this field?
I've tried everything in the display as field, but nothing changes as to what is displayed.
Monats- und Jahresauswahl I automatisierte Erstellung einer Monatstabelles
Guten Abend, ich habe eine Frage. Wie kann man mit einer Monats- und Jahresauswahl automatisiert eine Monatstabelle erstellen lassen. Anbei sende ich einen Screenshot,…
To replace a letter or a number at the end of a word
Hi, Can someone tell me how to replace a letter or a number at the end of a word in a list ? Ex 127 > 128 Elephand > Elephant Thank you
automatically get data ffrom 2 fields into one
I have the fields longitude and lattitude that are taken from location. Would like that data automatically go into one field, notation lattitude,longitude (note the ",…