Connect Ninox with external software solutions
Using integrations, you can connect Ninox with other applications. This allows you to further automate workflows by leveraging additional data.
Data exchange happens through an interface known as an API (Application Programming Interface). Through this API, programs can communicate with each other.
To enable this, you need an key, known as an API key.
Ninox integrates with:
These integrations allow you to set up a direct connection to Ninox. However, you can also create standalone direct integrations.
Here, we show you where to find integration options in Ninox.
How to do it
- Go to your workspace overview.
- Click on the gear icon at the top right
- From the drop-down menu, select Integrations.
Open the drop-down menu in the workspace. There you will find "Integrations."
Available Standard Integrations
In the pop-up window, you will see various standard integrations. If you want to use one of these "Zaps" (shortcuts), simply click the corresponding button.
You will be redirected to Zapier. Follow the instructions there to connect Ninox with your external application.
This is the pop-up in Ninox when you click on "Integrations" in the workspace settings.
Generate an API Key
If you want to create a direct connection, you can generate API keys at the top of the pop-up as needed (and delete them if necessary).
Generate the required API keys in the workspace settings.
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- 20 hrs agoLast active
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