UNCHECKED spam on this mailing list is more than a nussance.
The UNCHECKED spam on this mailing list is more than a nussance. It is so pervasive that it severely damages the utility of this list as a platform of support for Ninox. If the owners of Ninox and this mailing list cannot or will not correct this issue we (The company I work at) are going to begin porting our applications to another platform. Allowing this type of behavior to continue unchecked demonstrates a lack professionalism. Further, this lack of professionalism causes great damage to the credibility of Ninox as a business product to all who are aware of it. I am sick of it.
4 replies
mpdickens, I empathize with you...
That is just one of the threads where forum users have complained about the spam posts and we usually get a lame response in return. What do you mean when you refer to the forum as a mailing list?
Totally agree - its getting right up my nose!
I have been assured ny Ninox that they are dealing with it! but to date I think they simply delete manually any crap err once a week!
I maintian that a new user should be vetted and authorised.
anyone can cresat a login (robots) and all !
You haven't tried any of the spells yet? :)
Can you recommend one?
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 335Views