Full Summary of Scripting Commands?

I would love to have a summary of all the scripting commands possible in Ninox. I have read the manual, but there appear to be many other commands that are possible.

For example, I'd love to know how to hide fields based on the form or view that is being displayed. I know I can use the "dislpay field only, if" field, but I don't know the command for returning the view name...

Is there a full summary of commands?

Thank you!

2 replies

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    To hide a field, type null in the "Display field only, if" property of the field. You can hide or show fields based on other fields. For example, if you have a Choice field with values of "Hide" and "Show", you would place:

    text(Choice) = "Show"

    in the "Display field only, if" property of the field that you want to show/hide.


    For documentation on all Ninox functions, ask to be given access to the "0002_Ninox-Reference_MUL" database at:




    Then look at the "1_Funktionen_EN" table in that database. Be sure to download a copy of that database and only work from the copy.

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    "command for returning a view name"

    I do not know of a function that returns the data entry form view. However, maybe a closer look at the form tabs would help. Tabs can control which form elements are visible. Each tab also has its own "Display field only, if" property, so visibiity of tabs themselves can be changed on the fly.