Button action to switch from one table form to another table form?
How can I create a button action that switches the user from the current form to a form in a different table? If there is not already a built in function for this, what would a custom showForm() function look like in Ninox? My use case is to create context sensitive "Help" buttons that allow users to jump to and from form layouts in a separate help table.
5 replies
From the blog: https://ninoxdb.de/en/blog/release-25 >
The command openFullscreen(record) will pop up a screen-filling form:
or from another table : (opens the first record from Table1)
let p := record(Table1,1);
With closeFullscreen() this can be closed again:(maybe with a button on opened screen in your scenario)
With this, you can have a table with records about several help issue's...
openTable(tableName, viewName) - opens a table view
| openTable("Invoices", "All Invoices") -
Perfect. Thank you all.
you might want to add a close record so that when it goes back to the view it shouldnt go back to the last open record
openTable("TableName", "all");
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 3623Views