Send array of object json with httpr

Hello Everyone,

I try to send with HTTP() function a array of objects json ans i cant.

Have you a little sample to send a array on objects json to api. I need specialy how to create te array of objects json. 


I want make anything like that :

let myTempValue

let myArrayOfObject := for i in myListeOfREcord do

myTempValue := myTempValue +"{" + "label1:" +i .Field1 +.....+"}"



But i cant create the array.

Thanks for your help

1 reply

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    You can also make your JSON like this for example:

    let w := something;
    let js := (select yourTable where condition = w ).{
    label1 : Field1,
    label2 : 'Field 2'    .......