Is something odd is going on with the Forum dates
I've had a few notifications today regaring threads I have replied to but when I check them out there are no additional posts.
The 'Latest Activity' dates are fine but looking at the dates for posts by type, 'Technical Help', 'Ideas & Suggestions' and 'Use cases', there are a large number giving today's or yesterday's date.
Anyone else seeing this?
Regards John
2 replies
Hi John
I've taken a look and indeed theres is something amiss here.
I've dived into a few that are dated say yesterday and - there doe not appera to be a thread inside of that date?
Not sure what is happening here ...
The forum was spammed again yesterday. Around 50 posts. I guess the removal left those threads in the same date/time order as if those posts were still there.
I wonder if they're using Bigtable to store the forum. That would explain a few things for me.
Content aside
- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 133Views