Using <h2> tag to style emails
I have a button to send an email update to clients regarding their account. I want to stle the first line with the <h2> tag but when I try to style my table reference to the property in question, it prints the reference in the <h2> style rather than displaying the actual record in <h2>. Does anyone know how I can retain the format with the email pulling the correct information.
My code is as follows:
from: userEmail(),
to: 'Linked Property'.'Buyer Email',
subject: "Notification" + " " + 'Linked Property'.Property + " - " + 'Linked Property'.'Buyer Name',
text: "Notification for " + 'Linked Property'.'Buyer Name',
html: "<h2>There has been an update to your purchase profile for 'Linked Property'.Property</h2>" + "<br>" + "<br>" + "The following note has been added regarding the purchase of the above property:" ...
I know I have included it within the " " but I can't figure out how to stlye it with the <h2> tag without turning it into a script
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
2 replies
html: "<h2>There has been an update to your purchase profile for "+'Linked Property'.Property+"</h2><br><br>The following note has been added regarding the purchase of the above property:" ...
Amazing, thank you so much for your quick response! This has worked perfectly.
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 253Views