I cannot edit a database in Ninox Mac app


I have purchased the Ninox Mac app. 

While I can edit a database (stored in iCloud) on my Mac desktop at home, I cannot make any changes to fields/... while working on my Macbook. Both are on the same Apple account. Can anyone tell me how I can get this working? The whole point of a laptop is kind of lost if you cannot work remotely.

1 reply

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Philippe -


    The Mac app version is not really a multi user/device database creation tool. The app version allows one device to be the owner of the DB and thus the only device that can edit. You can open the db on other devices and enter data but not edit.


    To move "ownership" between devices you have to "Reorganize" the DB on the new device. I don't know what it does beyond giving the new device "ownership". I don't know if "reorganizing" over and over is detrimental to the DB or not.


    I hope this helps.