Moving Columns from Available Columns to Visible Columns

I've a Column showing in the Available column list but it wont allow me to move tot he Visinle Columns list as its from a join table.. is there away i can make visible ?

1 reply

    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Joan


    Doe it have > (greater than) symbol next to it? This means its a table not a field. Click on this to drill down into the fields. If this is a one to the many in tha view you will see symbols representing the field type and this can draged this over. If this is a many to the one in the view you will see more > symbols as you have drill down further to see a range of aggregate functions that differ according to the field type (count, first, last, sum, etc.). You can drag one or more of these over.


    If it's truely a join table from a many to many relationship you can't drill down further so you would need to create a formula field in the join table and have the agregate of that as visible column. eg to show courses in a list of students have a formula field called courses in the join table with courses.name as the formula and have 'concatenate of courses' as the visible column. Does that make sense?



