Help with "do as server" script

Hi all,

I have a button with code to create a number of records to a subtable...

The code is:


let reply := dialog("Confirmation!", "I will create " + '# of Payments' + " records, with Bill Data.
Continue?", ["Create", "Cancel"]);
if reply = "Create" then

...rest of the script


The above code working fine but it's a bit slow in the web app.

So I tried:


if ninoxApp() = "web" then
do as server

let reply := dialog("Confirmation!", "I will create " + '# of Payments' + " records, with Bill Data.
Continue?", ["Create", "Cancel"]);
if reply = "Create" then

...rest of the script


This code accepted but does nothing.

Is there some limitation in this senario?


3 replies

    • Support
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    It should be
    let reply := dialog("Confirmation!", "I will create " + '# of Payments' + " records, with Bill Data.
    Continue?", ["Create", "Cancel"]);
    if reply = "Create" then
    do as server
    ...rest of the script

    The dialog() function has to be called on the client!


    • Nick
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Birger!

    • Nick
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Well, without the "do as server" step, takes about 40 seconds to create 20 records to a subtable (approximately 2 seconds per record).

    With the  "do as server" step in the script, 50 records created almost instantly...


    Yeah! :-)