Triggering Movement of Record on Update


It's my first day working with Ninox, and I'd like to know if this is possible. I'm creating a database of Appointments, and I want to have a table of Upcoming Appointments and Past Appointments. No problem in creating either. However, I'd like my front end user to see a check box on the Upcoming Appointement, which, when checked, will move the record/info from "Upcoming" to "Past Appointment". I;ve been trying to do this through the Field Trigger on Update function, but can't get it figured out. Thanks!

2 replies

    • Emanuel_Neubert
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Jack,

    have you played around with the views that Ninox provides. You can have all your appointments in one table. Later you just show the past appointments and upcoming appointments in differnt views. Onve a box is checked, it also changes in which tabled it's viewed.


    • Jorg
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Yes, that woul be possible somehow, But: I would suggest not to use 3 tables for that, but one table and choice field in it with the values "Upcoming", "Current", "Past Appointment" in it. That would allow you to filter for this values and display different table views.

    Best, Jörg