Pivot table cration
How can i define a pivot table? I created one in the view schedule but the data are empty
2 replies
You need to put the x and y axis in the first to places of the list of fields and in the third place the aggregation of the x field.
That would be a good question for our webinar and it would be nice if you could bring it up there.Thank you.
At our Ninox webinar tips and tricks will be presented in the first 30 minutes, the remaining 90 minutes will be used for a live support where the participants' concerns will be solved.
You can register here for the webinar, which takes place every Tuesday at 18 o'clock CEST: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zoSk2qyNSz6vLRFF1zlakg
Best, Jörg
HI, i have a similar case; I need to create a pivot table.
I have a main table called "PATIENT" that contains 2 fields ("NAME" and "LOCATION") and a subtable called "MEDICAL SHEDULE".
Inside "MEDICAL SCHEDULE" I have a DATE field and a multiple-choice field called "TYPE OF MEDICATION" (12 choices).
Is that possible to create a pivot table where on the Y there is the "NAME" of the "PATIENT" grouped by "LOCATION" and on the X there is the different choices of "TYPE OF MEDICATION"? I would like to have the "DATE" as the crossed data between the two.
I've tried in different ways. I've also tried separating the 12 choices in 12 single field but with no results.
Any ideas ??
Thanks in advance !
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 2217Views