Using a Dynamic Choice and filter for records.

Hi,  I raised this on Tuesday Ninox Webinar and sorted it out using the conventional related table look up method but I am trying to use, for the first time, a dynamic choice field.

I have two related tables.

The Dynamic Choice field is in Snag Reports and retrieves info from Project Equipment thus:  select 'PROJECT EQUIPMENT'

I need to filter the records in Snag Reports to match the Room number in both tables.  That is to say - I have picked the room the snag applies to and now I need to select the piece of kit in the corresponding room in Pro Equip.  I have a formula in both tables 'room-ID' to serve this purpose.

I cannot work out how to write:  select 'PROJECT EQUIPMENT' (where room-ID) matches room-ID in 'SNAG REPORTS'.

In the related table method I constrained as such:

Any help would be appreciated.

2 replies

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I saw the attempts made during the Ninox support webinar.

    Have you tried something like:

    let t := this;
    select 'PROJECT EQUIPMENT' where 'room-ID' = t.'room-ID'
      • Alan_Cooke
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred That did it Fred - I tried this before which did not work until I realised there was an issue on the room-ID side preventing the ID displaying.  The field is off for display.

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