Design Table for WBS
Hi One consultan, I have a Database with some tables, ones of them are correspond with the structure of the project WBS Work Breakdown Structure I have four level.
Level 1 Project, Level 2 Area, Level 3 Subarea, and Level 4 Subtistem in each box Level are asociated documents by disciplines.
Now I Link Each level to documents 1 to Many Level 1 to Documents, Level 2 to Documents etc.
I don't sure if is the best options I trie too related Level 1, to Level 2 to Level 3 and Level 4 but these option is complicated.
Some Alternative help
I send image example
62 replies
You can see 3 curve the planned curve, the earned value and the Actual Hours.
The 3 hours are different.
Rafael Sanchis said:
Horas Ganadas Real are the Earned value it reflects the amount of hours that has actually been accomplished to data date.I read this as Horas Ganadas Real should be a formula field that sums up the Horas Consumidas for each documentos/disciplinas/ or actividades. Currently you are using the same horas humbre to figure out Plan and Real Horas Ganadas. To me, hitos only make sense at the planning level. Once you need actual horas then you have to track horas spent in another field (or table).
Take a look at the attached DB. I've made a few modifications:
1) at the Documentos Hito tab
2) FechaCorte table
Now that I've had a chance to play around more, I've modified:
Take a look to see what you can do when you have a horasconsumidas table tracking horas. You can see the charts change in Tablero Avances when you add horas in Documentos.
FechaCorte, I've changed into a dashboard. I've added the ability to see horas consumidas real by Hito selected.
I send you my last modify
Another diferent help. These WBS havec3 level
Level 2 and level 3 don't working
But level 4 and 4 working good you can review the Formula on level 3 if you can
I can't do it with the formula
What are the formulas you are using?
(select Documents) > a.a.'Level-2' and a.a.'Level-2' > a.a.'Level-3'
I use this, but imposible.
Sorry Fred I don't to waste your time.
Hi Rafael -
You are not wasting my time. Try this in Level 3:
a.'Level-2' = b.mainCategory
And this in Level 4:
a.'Level-3' = b.'Level-3'
Like I said earlier, you have too many "a"s and "b"s. In addition there is no name "Level-2" in Level-3 table it is called 'mainCategory'.
Yeah work great for these work Breakdown Structrue that is more complicated.
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- Status Answered
- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 62Replies
- 925Views