Button. On click - No empty fields and if there’s a dup confirm before adding record via dialog

I’m trying to make sure all the important fields are filled out when adding new record and if such record already exists to ask for confirmation before proceeding. I’m very beginner at this so I can’t figure out how to get it to work properly. Currently I have this code : 


let LD := 'Load ID';
let mm := 'Yr/Make/Model';
let r := 'Rate ($)';
let pu := 'Pick-Up Date';
let pul := 'Pick-Up Location';
if LD = null then
    alert("Enter Load ID")
    if mm = null then
        alert("Enter Year/Make/Model")
        if r = null then
            alert("Enter Rate Amount")
            if pu = null then
                alert("Enter Pick Up Date")
                if pul = null then
                    alert("Enter Pick Up Location")
                    if Broker = null then
                        alert("Add Broker")
                        if Drivers = null then
                            alert("Add Driver")
                            let findDup := cnt((select Report)['Load ID' = LD and 'Yr/Make/Model' = mm and 'Rate ($)' = r and 'Pick-Up Date' like pu and
                                        'Pick-Up Location' like pul]);
                            let t := "Add New Load";
                            let m := "Similar record already EXISTS. Would you like to proceed and create New record?";
                            let ans := ["Yes", "No, open existing record", "No, Delete this"];
                            if findDup = 1 then
                                if findDup > 1 then
                                    if dialog(t, m, ans) = "Yes" then
                                        if dialog(t, m, ans) = "No, open existing record" then
                                            openRecord(record(Report,first(select Report
                                                        where 'Load ID' = LD and 'Yr/Make/Model' = mm and 'Rate ($)' = r and 'Pick-Up Date' = pu and
                                                        'Pick-Up Location' = pul)))
                                            if dialog(t, m, ans) = "No, Delete this" then
                                                delete this


I know it’s long and probably there’s a better way to script all that, but It works up to one detail.

if dialog(t, mm, and) = “No,  open existing record” 

I want the current record to be voided and existing to open. But can’t figure out how to get this record to be voided or deleted. 

2 replies

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Welcome to Ninox.

    You have encountered the first big design point when developing a DB. How to control data entry. 

    May I introduce you the concept of “Dashboards”. You can view this video for a good introduction.

    The idea here is that you create a form that your users use to enter in data and then you can do quality control before any records get created. We know we can’t trust users to do the right thing, 😉, so we have to control all aspects of the user interaction to make sure the data is clean and accurate.

    It is only a small redesign of your DB, but will be very powerful. I have a DB that only I use, but I use dashboards all the time. I rarely create new records in my raw data tables manually.

      • Alina_Morgovsky
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred thank you. 
      I ran into a problem with empty records and duplicates, since there’s no save button. And its been messing up my reports. So I was trying to prevent that from happening. And I can’t figure out how to give a command to void record if dialog “No open existing record”. I’d like the system to open existing record and delete current record. I do have a field on my dashboard where if there’s any duplicates it would appear there. But I’d prefer to limit those to the minimum 

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