Problem with dynamic report

Hello to the community,
Hello everyone,

I have a problem with dynamic reports.
I created a word document with the tags but my mac application crashes every time I try to test printing.

I have a Ninox Cloud account, I have also tried from the web application and nothing happens. I think there's a problem with the platform.



6 replies

    • Nick_Massie
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Did you send a notice to support@ninox.com? Ewe is the Pro for Carbone. That is the platform for printing. Also have you tried the json formula yet?

    • szormpas
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi, recently I faced a same problem that I got over it by using custom json!

    • Sinta_Frere.1
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I've been having the same issue since last Friday. I've been using word templates with code that was previously working fine. Now even my simplest templates will not print. I don't know how to use the json function and there are no tutorials on how to do this. Hopefully they resolve the issue as soon as possible.

    • Gaetan_Fostier
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you for your response and your time. Very appreciate.

    I tried to use JSON formula and I read documentation about that.  

    Printing works again but no image appears.  
    I have fields like pictures with an image in them.

    In my database, I have the fields : 
    - Counter number
    - Meter index
    - Meter picture

    I declare in JSON : 


        date: format('Date et heure de l’état des lieux', "MM-DD-YYYY"),
        commercial: concat(COMMERCIAUX.'Civilité' + " " + COMMERCIAUX.Nom + " " + COMMERCIAUX.'Prénom'),
        type: concat("Etat des lieux :" + 'Type état des lieux' + " - " + BIEN.Type_bien),
        adresse: concat(BIEN.'N°' + ", " + BIEN.Rue + " - " + BIEN.CP + " " + BIEN.Ville),
        proprios: 'CLAUSE PROPRIÉTAIRES',
        Sign1 : 'Signature propriétaire 1',
        Sign2 : 'Signature propriétaire 2',
        Sign3 : 'Signature propriétaire 3',
        Sign4 : 'Signature propriétaire 4',
        locataires: 'CLAUSE LOCATAIRES',
        Sign5 : 'Signature locataire 1',
        Sign6 :'Signature locataire 2',
        Sign7 : 'Signature locataire 3',
        Sign8 : 'Signature locataire 4',
        Ngaz: 'N° Compteur Gaz',
        Igaz: 'Index compteur gaz',
        Egaz: 'Emplacement compteur gaz',
        Nelec: 'N° Compteur électricité',
        Ielec: 'Index compteur électricité',
        Eelec: 'Emplacement compteur électricité'



    The photos don't appear.

    In my dynamic report without JSN formula, I managed to show some photos (signatures) but not the others.

    I have to admit that I'm a bit lost and I need to manage the photos in my reports, as it's the very basis of my data (I'm an estate agent and I do inventories).

    Any help is welcome.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

    • Gaetan_Fostier
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I've found the solution to my image display problem.

    I create a text field that will be hidden in my database that indicates the url where the photo is stored -

    I use the sharefile(Picture) function and I fill the field via a formula after changing and updating the Images field.

    and I declare the URL field in JSON Formula instead of my image field.  The images are displayed on the report.

      • szormpas
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

         thanks for sharing....good to know!

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