Importing Linked Data
Import the Invoices.csv. In the field assignment, you specify the following:
[Customer No] — [customers (customer number)] (update all)
Please provide a screen shot or very specific directions as to exactly where I am to specify the above linking information.
Also, I have been attemption to input date information which in the csv file is in mm/dd/yy format. I have set the field in Ninox as a date format. The date it creates is very wrong. What format is your date field looking for.
[Customer No] — [customers (customer number)] (update all)
Please provide a screen shot or very specific directions as to exactly where I am to specify the above linking information.
Also, I have been attemption to input date information which in the csv file is in mm/dd/yy format. I have set the field in Ninox as a date format. The date it creates is very wrong. What format is your date field looking for.
11 replies
Hi Thomas,
we have updated the manual with screenshots for importing linked data. Let me know if this helps.
How dates are imported depend on the system settings. --> language region --> advanced settings --> date
The middle date settings define how date format is interpreted by Ninox. This has to be the same as in the File you are importing.
Best regards, Alex -
Screen shots are very helpful but I still am having a problem figuring out where I am entering the linking info. Looks like you have a field named customer no and you are dragging it into the blank slot. Was it created as a formula to allow you to type in the link info. Could you provide a screen shot showing that link info where it is actually being entered. Also, I made my CSI file using Excel. Had to use ASCII format during the import. Would be helpful to others to explain what this is all about.
Your link in this example is
[Customer No] — [customers (customer number)] (update all)
Should it really be
[Customer No] — [customer (customer No)] (update all)
Table is originally called "Customer" and field originally called "Customer No" -
Hello Thomas, to import linked data a key field which is the same in both tables is required. In this example it is "customer no". This key-field needs to be present in both tables to link the entries. But it could be also customer name or something else. Let me know if this helps. If you have questions you can also drop a line to support@ninoxdb.de.
Best regards, Alex -
You have still not quite answered my first question so I will repeat it here:
Import the Invoices.csv. In the field assignment, you specify the following:
[Customer No] — [customers (customer number)] (update all)
Please provide a screen shot or very specific directions as to exactly where I am to specify the above linking information.
I really don't know where I am supposed to be entering this information.
Thanks. -
Hello Tom,
thanks for your feedback.
[Customer No] — [customers (customer number)] (update all)
This is specified on the second screenshot. You have to attribute the field "customer no" from the invoice table to the customers table --> customer no.
Best regards, Alex -
I have a main Products table and a composition table called Price History. The Price History list out all the prices of the product at different dates.
The unique key is a Product Description field in the Products table.
I am trying to import data into the Price History tables. The data is in a single CSV file with each row having the Product Description (unique key), date and the price.
Q1: Can I import multiple price histories for multiple products?
Q2: I tried to import into a single Price History table for a single product indicating the Product Description as the Key and using the Import Mode of "Only updated records". But this did not work (no rows got imported). Did I do something wrong?
Q3: Did I model the data correctly?
Thank you!
sl -
Hello ice stoic,
You can import also related data. Choose from the related table Product the description field to match the description field in the imported CSV file. Similar to 'Customer No' in the example above.
If you have questions you can also write to support@ninoxdb.de.
Best regards,
Alex -
Hi, I am trying to create a database of my linkedin connections and messages. The connections csv only has fields for first- and last name. The messages csv has "from" and "to" fields with full name.
I created a full name field in the connections table but I can't select that one when doing the messages import.
Is it possible to link tables by a calculated value? -
It is possible to link tables by a calculated value. Try this:
Create a forlula field with the full name (in 'connections' table). The formula would be–––
'first name' + " " + 'last name'
In the messages table select "Update multiple records" from the gear menu.
For the table relation field (to 'connections') select "Assign calculated value" and give this formula:–––
let myFrom := from;
first(select 'connections' where 'full name' = myFrom)._id
(Change field and table names accordingly.)
Birger - Ninox Support -
Thanks, Birger. That worked great!!
Ninox is a great system and your support rocks.
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- 7 yrs agoLast active
- 11Replies
- 5582Views