Printing a VIEW, not possible? This is how it can be done:

Sometimes it's useful to print a view on a document. With this trick it's possible.

A VIEW cannot be selected in the print editor, but a formula field can!
That's why I tried to imitate this view in a formula field.
The result on the form is not the final result, when printing it's perfect.

In the images below you can see how this is done:


The image below shows the printeditor with the result.
It is best to use a monospaced font for the desired result.


This is the result in PDF after printing:



2 replies

    • Antonio
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there:

    using your example it tells me that the join function has not been defined as: join ([string])

    I don't know how I can fix it, any ideas?

    Thank you very much!

    let mySede := this;
    let i := ((select 'Periodos de vacaciones' where 'Puestos-Años'.Puestos.Sedes = mySede) order by 'Fecha de inicio');
    join(for p in range(0, cnt(i)) do
    lpad(item(i, p).'Puestos-Años'.Puestos.Colaboradores.'Introduce el nombre', 25, "") + " | " + item(i, p).'Fecha de inicio'

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    This is another post from the old forum. Since the updated forum, all images were gone. I have recovered the images: