Populate dropdown with options from linked table
I have two tables linked with in a 1:1 relationship. In a form for Table A, I want to put a dropdown or similar selection field in which a user can select which record they want to link from Table B. Importantly, only certain options from Table B are valid (based on the current state of the record in Table A), so when the user is presented with options to select from, the selection list needs to be pre-filtered. Ideally the field in Table A would be a Dropdown selection box, pre-populated with only the records from Table B that are appropriate.
Is it possible to create a Dropdown selection box in a form, with the displayed options being populated using a formula?
1 reply
Currently .. Not as a "dropdown" or "listbox" UI control.
You can simulate this with a relationship to a "look up table" .. and then add a constraint rule to limit what is displayed via the lookup. Per a recent thread.. If you are using the cloud version, you could also add "create new" role rules to prevent others from accidently (or intentionally) adding to the lookup table.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 1215Views