How can I copy from a text field to a date field?
The text looks like dates but doesn’t sort properly.
10 replies
You can use "Update multiple records..." The formula below assumes the text date is in the format of Day/Month/Year. Make sure you have created a Date field to copy the value to. When you select "Update multiple records...", find your new Date field and click where it says "Don't change". Choose "Assign calculated value" and enter the formula...
date(number(substr(YourTextDate, 6, 4)), number(substr(YourTextDate, 3, 2)), number(substr(YourTextDate, 0, 2)))
Choose Next and it will give you a preview.
No, that doesn’t work. My dates are in m/d/yyyy format with leading zeros omitted from the month and day.
It’s still possible, just take a little more code. It will be a few hours before I can work on it again.
This should do it...
let firstIndex := index(TextDate, "/");
let secondIndex := if substr(TextDate, firstIndex + 2, 1) = "/" then
firstIndex + 2
firstIndex + 3
date(number(substr(TextDate, secondIndex + 1, 4)), number(substr(TextDate, 0, firstIndex)), number(substr(TextDate, firstIndex + 1, secondIndex - firstIndex - 1)))
It does. Thanks!
@bonniegruber.... You can also use the "split" or "splitx" function that will split the string into an array.. the "x" method uses a regular expression .. .which you can craft to handle multiple date separators .. Like "/" or "-" ...
Can this formula be modified for > The TextDate field (yyyy/mm/dd) to be updated to all fields to a NEWDAte field in the format dd/mm/ yyyyy
The Date field will be in the format that is set in your OS if you are using the Mac app or your browser settings if you are using the browser version.
@Mconneen's formula in this thread works, but assumes the Text date is in the same order that you want the Date field to be in.
What is the format of your TextDate? yyyy/mm/dd, dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy?
yyyy/mm/dd that is how it is in the TExtfield in my database
You just need to change the order of the formula then. The
function takes 3 arguments in this order... Year, Month, Day. You can use the following for the "Assign calculated value" formula of the new Date field when you use "Update Multiple Records..."let dateArr := split(TextDate, "/");
date(number(item(dateArr, 0)), number(item(dateArr, 1)), number(item(dateArr, 2)))
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