Best practice: Speeding up Ninox scripts
Hi there,
I'm trying to backup my bookkeeping from sevDesk; so I first filled a ninox table with all the JSON Results from the sevDesk REST API.
Result is ~1900 Datasets
Now I want to split my Data from the JSON into specific fields.
Here's the script:
for r in select RohBelege do
let jsonData := parseJSON(r.Data);
if jsonData != null then
if jsonData.creditDebig = (= "C") then
SummeNetto := -number(jsonData.sumNet);
SummeTax := -number(jsonData.sumTax)
SummeNetto := jsonData.sumNet;
SummeTax := jsonData.sumTax
TaxRate := jsonData.sumTax;
Lieferant := jsonData.supplierName;
BelegDatum := jsonData.voucherDate;
BezahlDatum := jsonData.payDate;
BelegId :=;
if jsonData.document != null then
DokumentId :=
Status := jsonData.status;
Beschreibung := jsonData.description
I started it with a button click and now I can see ... every .... single .... field .... being ... updated .... step .... by .... step ... which .... takes ... forever.... (Running for 40 minutes now and not even half way done.)
Is it possible:
- To run the Script in BackEnd rather than frontend
- To update all fields of the Dataset at once (without writing every change to the DB as a single update)?
2 replies
Hi, in general if we want to run the Script in BackEnd rather than frontend we use the
do as server ... end
For more info, check out the documentation.
Is this something that could work for you?
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- 3 mths agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 51Views