Understand usage overview and capacity restrictions

Learn how to keep track of your available storage, number of records, API calls, and emails sent

The amount of storage per license, records per database, API calls per month, and automatically sent emails per month is based on which subscription you have and how many licenses you purchased.

To learn more about subscriptions, visit the Pricing page.


Check current usage

In Ninox, visit the global settings by clicking the gear icon (1)    in the top-right corner of your screen.

Visit the global settings (1) and select Usage overview (2) from the dropdown

From the dropdown, select Usage overview (2) for a view of the following:

  • the total storage used (1) equals the size of all workspaces (2), including

    • size of all databases (3)

    • manual backups (4)

    • automated backups (5)

  • the number of records stored per database (6)

  • the number of API calls used per month (7)

  • the number of emails sent per month (8)

The usage overview displays the total storage used (1), size of all workspaces () (2), size of all databases (3), manual backups (4), automated backups (5), records per database (6), API calls per month (7), and emails per month (8)

ℹ️ Note: You only see manual backups in your usage overview if your subscription includes manual backups. Otherwise, only automated backups are shown.


Multiple workspaces

☑️ If you have more than one workspace in Ninox, select the workspace (1) for which you wish to view the usage. The numbers for the size of all databases and records per database (2) as well as manual backups and automated backups (3) are displayed immediately on the right side of the screen.

Select a workspace (1) on the left to display its usage (2) and (3) on the right


Storage per license

The amount of storage available to you depend on your plan tier as well as how many licenses you purchased.

  • Starter – 1 GB per license

  • Professional – 2 GB per license

  • Enterprise – 5 GB per license (more available on request)

ℹ️ If you purchased a Ninox subscription before February 1, 2022, your Basic Plan offers 2 GB storage per license.


Understand storage usage

The storage amount includes the size of all databases (2), automated backups and manual backups (3) at the workspace level (1).

A 10% buffer gives you the chance to delete some automatic backups you may no longer need, preventing you from running out of storage completely due to the space automatic backups require.

Storage includes the size of all databases (2) and manual and automated backups (3) at the workspace level (1)


☑️ If you're close to running out of storage, or you've already run out, we suggest deleting some of the automated backups or manual backups.

How often we update your storage count

The amount of data stored (in GB) is updated every day at 2 AM CET.


How to get more storage

Because the storage amount depends on how many licenses you have, to increase your storage quota you'll need to purchase additional licenses. Alternatively, upgrade to the next plan tier.

To add licenses to your subscription, follow the steps from the help page below:


 Add licenses


To upgrade, visit the Subscriptions page. Click the Upgrade button, then choose a subscription from the popup. Enter the number of licenses you need and click the Check out button to proceed.


Records per database

The amount of records available to you depends on your plan tier.

  • Starter – 50,000 per database

  • Professional – 500,000 per database

  • Enterprise – Unlimited

Understand records usage

The total number of records used is the sum of all your records across all databases (1). The maximum number of records per database (2) is displayed under the table on the right side of the screen.

 The sum of all records across all databases (1) and the maximum number of records per database (2)


How often we update your records count

The number of records stored is updated every hour.

How to get more records

Because the number of records you can store per database depends on your Ninox plan, to get more records you'll need to upgrade to the next available plan tier

To upgrade, visit the Subscriptions page. Click the Upgrade button, then choose a subscription from the popup. Enter the number of licenses you need and click the Check out button to proceed.


API calls per month

The amount of API calls available to you depends on your plan tier.

  • Starter – 1,500

  • Professional – 30,000

  • Enterprise – Unlimited

Understand API usage

The number of used and available API calls per month (1) is displayed as a progress bar on the left side of the screen, just above emails per month.

 API calls used per month (1) is displayed on the left side of the screen


How often we update your API count

The number of API calls used is updated every 5 minutes.

How to get more API calls

Because the number of API calls made per month depends on your Ninox plan, to make more API calls you'll need to upgrade to the next available plan tier.

To upgrade, visit the Subscriptions page. Click the Upgrade button, then choose a subscription from the popup. Enter the number of licenses you need and click the Check out button to proceed.


Automatically sent emails per month

The amount of emails available to you depends on your plan tier.

  • Starter – 150

  • Professional – 3,000

  • Enterprise – Unlimited

Understand email usage

The number of sent and available emails per month (1) is displayed as a progress bar on the left side of the screen, just under API calls per month.

 Emails sent per month (1) is displayed on the left side of the screen


How often we update your email count

The number of emails sent is updated in real time.

How to get more emails

Because the number of automatically sent emails per month depends on your Ninox plan, to send more emails you'll need to upgrade to the next available plan tier.

To upgrade, visit the Subscriptions page. Click the Upgrade button, then choose a subscription from the popup. Enter the number of licenses you need and click the Check out button to proceed.


