WhatsApp and Viber formula
I use ninox cloud. I want to make a button, send a message to WhatsApp and a button for viber. Both messengers are installed on the computer. Someone already using it?
Found the code for here
if “Mobile” >=“” then openURL(URLWhatsapp) end
Does not work, or I misunderstood something
Please help
9 replies
I got a response from support and they gave the formula for the button
openURL("https://wa.me/" + Phone + "?text=This%20is%20a%20message")
but here you need to register a phone number, and I can only register mine.
The task is this:: when we create a new client, we indicate his number in the "phone" field. And next to it is a button, by pressing which we get to WhatsApp and from our number a message is sent to the client to his number, which is indicated in the "phone" field. That is, the phone number is automatically registered in the formula, where the phone number comes from the "phone" field -
As I see it in your screenshot, your phone-field is called Mobile, so your formula should be:
openURL("https://wa.me/" + Mobile + "?text=This%20is%20a%20message")
Perfect, Thank you Steven
One more question Steven )
For viber im use
No mistice but did't worck. Can u send for me correct formula?
Maybe this will work: (not sure about the use of text() here or where this code goes in your usecase)
If you want to embed a field in a text-line you close the " and use a + sign to add the field. A field inside "" is just text.
Does not show the error in our formula, but also does not work (
Does this code goes in a button?
Then openURL("viber://pa?chatURI=<https://msng.link/o/?"+Mobile+"=vi>") might work or
openURL("https://viber://pa?chatURI=<https://msng.link/o/?"+Mobile+"=vi>") if previous doesn't.
Not sure how Viber URL scheme must look like though....
openURL("viber://chat?number=" + Mobile) get from FB Group
Thanks for u time and atentionJulia
Or even automatically pre-write a message with:
openURL("https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=" + Mobile + "&text=" + urlEncode(YourMessage))
where "YourMessage" is another text variable/field with the message you wish to send
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 9Replies
- 722Views