Calculation based on multiple choice
HI I am trying to use a formula in a cell that is based on the selcetion of a multipe choice in another cell.. ie multiple choice could be a)5% or b)10%..... from this, in another cell I want to multiply a value based on the selection from the multiple choice...
I can get it to work as long as I use a txt box but cant get the formula to recognise the multiple choice value
6 replies
Hi Ivor,
Please use this,
'Input Number' * number(chosen('Discount (%)')) / 100
Sakshi-Ninox Support
Hi thanks for your feedback, could you expalin a little more I stilll dont understand this formula
where/what is the NUMBER before thr brackets
assume "input number" is the cell that I am trying to apply the discount to ?
That "5" and "10" are the labels of the multiple choice fields are are handled an string. number() is used to convert them to - numbers.
thanks I now have the formula making the calculation at least but the calcualtion result is wrong (formula below)
It is using the value from the multipe choice as opposed to the actual selection
for example 5% = 1 , 10%=2 how do I make 5% = 5 and 10% = 10
cost * number('Discount %')
Hi Ivor,
The formula is:
Cost * number(chosen('Discount %')) / 100
Please input only numbers in Multiple choice field, without the percenage symbol.
Sakshi-Ninox Support
Make sure you are using a CHOICE field.. not a MULTIPLE CHOICE field.. number(chosen('MULTIPLE CHOICE")) always returns zero.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 3137Views