Styled doesn“t keep text styling?
I have the following code:let d := Date;
let rowText := join((select “Doc of Truth”)[“Magic Piano” like “Spanish” and Date = d].“Raven_id / Perf_key”, “
I am expecting that the text would turn red, which it does, but it would also keep the New Line join that I“ve added - which it doesn”t. Anyone having the same issue? Is there a workaround?
6 replies
I would style the formula field by the settings. You don“t need the style then.
Yes, that works, but what if I want to dynamically change it with an IF? I“d assume that it wouldn”t work then?
A solution could be the use of two formula fields, different styled and only one visible at the time. Then you can use the IF in the display only if formula.
Sounds like it would work, but unfortunately I don“t think it will in my case. The thing is that I need to dynamically change colors in about 50 formula fields and unless there”s a way to have 2 formula fields on top of each other and dynamically show them with an IF - I think I“ve hit under roadblock.
Yes 2 fields on top is possible as soon one is hidden, the other takes it“s place and also the other way around. If they both are equal in size nothing will change on the formlayout.
Well, that seems to have worked, now I only need to duplicate and put IFs on about 70 Formulas :D
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 517Views