http() function isn't working
Or it isn't working the way it used to. Can anyone confirm this?
47 replies
Bumpity bump bump
Sean on what format mac - ipad or web vcloud version
and i will take a look (i'm cloud version)
Mel, I'm using the Mac version. I can't access websites or APIs with the function anymore
I just sent a second email to support. Does no one use this function?
What error message do you get? "Server not responding"?
I have a function that grabs genders using the free api. It works fine for me.
""" // Assigns gender to all unassigned People """;
function genderize() do
let urlbase := "";
let cands := (select People)[Gender != 1 and Gender != 2];
for c in cands do
let first := extractx(c.Name, "[a-zA-Z]*\b");
let response := http("GET", urlbase + first);
if response.error then
first + ": " + text(response.error)
first + ": " + text(response.result);
let g := response.result.gender;
if g = "male" then c.(Gender := 1) else c.(Gender := 2) end
end; -
Hi Kaan,
Thanks for responding. The error I get is, "Request failed: error - ".
I want to point out that I haven't changed my code and it had worked for months. You can check out this thread from September, I assure you that I did not manually copy all those threads and posts. I wrote an HTML scraper and the code hasn't changed. I can't even get a web page to show up anymore. This code used to bring up a web page if you put it into a Formula field...
let rt := html("");
let response := http("GET", Text);
if response.error then
rt := html("<h1>Error</h1><p>" + text(response.error) + "</p>");
rt := html(response.result)
"Text" is a text field with a URL in it.
That thread link just gets me to a 504 Gateway Time-Out error page...
That's hilarious. Links were working. It's on page 4 of "Use cases". The database should still be in the English webinar
Btw, that database does not have the scraping code in it.
FWIW, the ipify API works, but Google translate does not
The code I posted is a variation from this thread and it's almost 2 years old...
I got the same Error response using the code snippet you pasted... but wrapping the http() request in do as server <function> end did the trick for me.
let rt := html("");
let response := do as server
http("GET", Text)
if response.error then
rt := html("<h1>Error</h1><p>" + text(response.error) + "</p>");
rt := html(response.result)
Are you using the cloud version? I'm using the Mac app and I still get the same error.
Oh right. I'm on the Cloud version.
Good luck, hope support helps!
Thanks Kaan, I think we'll get there eventually
It's been a week. Time to bump this puppy.
Still not fixed.
I think gold standard for responsiveness to the community has to be Coda right now; which is a shame because the Ninox product is so powerful. Wit's the right support, documentation (please, hire / contract with a professional technical writer!!) and partner ecosystem - and access and privilege management - Ninox could absolutely sweep the SME market... such an opportunity.
Common Ninox - we love you. Tell us what you're working on!!
and get a better forum platform, one that filters out the voodoo spam. :)
Have you looked in the console?
I also have also blocked requests due to > CORS-header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ may not be *
Any Solution?
I never thought about using the console. I tried to open up a forum page using the function in the console and got this... {"error":"Request failed: error - "}. I did try language detection using Google Translate and it worked.
Your error is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. You can get some info on that here . I'll check into this more tonight.
Steven, did it work before one of the updates?
Sean, Can't tell as this is a new created API call I try ( I've installed a plugin(CORS Everywhere) in Firefox and now I don't have connect errors.
But I'm still struggeling to get the wanted result with this carbone thing.... To be continued.....
To be complete, on my Macbook with the native app, it also won't work.
Steven, I just got a look at and it will take more than a casual look to understand how to use it in Ninox. How are you trying to integrate it - Button, Print, something else?
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 47Replies
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