I am familiar with SQL but am struggling to get to grips with the basics of NX. Maybe i am missing something simple.
This query works (returns ids)
select address
where 'xmas card ind'=2
This query works (returns values from table):
select address.('xmas card ind')
This query fails:
select address.('xmas card ind')
where 'xmas card ind'=2
error: End expected: where at line 2, column 5
3 replies
((select address)['xmas card ind' = 2]).'xmas card ind'
This reference might help you understand Ninox a little better.
Thanks Sean. Maybe my knowledge of SQL is a disadvantage :(
Nah, I wouldn’t look at it that way. You only have to learn Ninox commands and syntax and some of that is similar. :)
You could also try,
((select address) where 'xmas card ind' = 2).'xmas card ind'
I think I have seen some examples using "where" instead of the square bracket syntax. I just prefer the brackets.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
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