specify inside database entry if it is readable by certain users
Hello, Thank you in anticpation for your help. I was hoping to have a multipe choice option, within a database entry which would specify, who has access to read it. I would expect this would be done using the "readable if" option but am unsure how to phrase the necessary logic.
Like in the image below, We have 4 different regions (these will map to roles) which can be selected . Is it possible for example only people with the role NRW will see the database entry if the NRW option is selected.
3 replies
Just to clarify to this, I am hoping to have a "Readable If" rule similar to, for example: if REGION = NRW and user = NRW
In this case, if the users' role is NRW they would be able to view the database entry but if they had a different role they would not.
Are you using the Ninox Cloud Application? If YES.. you would assign the roles there and use the userHasRole("NRW"). Obviously . you would not "hard code" the NRW.. I suspect that is a value on the record.
That is one of the MANY benefits of the cloud application..
Hi @mconneen, yes I am using the cloud application and thank you for reply. Can you expand on what you mean by hard code?
My hope is to be able to really quickly specify within the database entry who has access to read it. I imagined the easiest way to have this was using those click boxes and then the readable if rule of: (if userHasRole("NRW") and region=NRW) or (if userHasRole("BB") and region=BB)...
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 1161Views