using if else in formula field

Hello people, I am stuck in a condition where I want to show values of one field (Status1) to a formula field (Status0).

I write a code in Status0 formula field which is mentioned below.

if text(Status1) = "lead" then
    = "empty"
    if text(Status1) = "offer" then
        = "entworfen"
        if text(Status1) = "offer" or text(Status1) = "angeboten" or text(Status1) = "reserviert" then
            = "entworfen"
            if text(Status1) = "won" then
                = "gewonnen"
                if text(Status1) = "lost" then
                    = "verloren"

But it is not showing me the values in formula field (Status0).


Thanks in Advance. :) 

2 replies

    • John_Halls
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    If this is in a formula field then remove the equals signs

    if text(Status1) = "lead" then
        if text(Status1) = "offer" then
            if text(Status1) = "offer" or text(Status1) = "angeboten" or text(Status1) = "reserviert" then
                if text(Status1) = "won" then
                    if text(Status1) = "lost" then

    Three things I noticed

    1. Did you want the lead value to be the word "empty" or did you want to be empty?
    2. You have repeated the offer condition
    3. With multiple if..then statements it can be better to use a switch statement

    If I am right this could become

    switch text(Status1) do
    case text(Status1) = "offer" or text(Status1) = "angeboten" or text(Status1) = "reserviert":
    case "won":
    case "lost":

    I think the empty option will take case of itself here.

    Regards John

      • John_Halls
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Sorry, that should be

      switch text(Status1) do
      case text(Status1) = "offer" or text(Status1) = "angeboten" or text(Status1) = "reserviert":
      case text(Status1) = "won":
      case text(Status1) = "lost":