hide add record

Hi there,

has anyone any idea of how to hide the "add new record" or "open existing record" in a form with a related table ?

I know I can hide it with display as checkbox, but then I have the problem with the layout.

So my question is :

either how do I just hide these in the table view or how to give the checkbox a more informative view with some guiding text ? 

Enclosed a picture of what I would try to hide.



5 replies

    • Leo_Woer
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    By the way - I know I can solve it via a view - but that adds an extra layer, which I try to avoid.

    But off cause if that is the only way - I have to do it that way



    • Fred
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Do you want a table like view of some specific data to present? Do you want people to be able to make a choice? What do you exactly want this new feature to do?

      • Leo_Woer
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Further to the answer, I have forwarded suggestions for enhancement 2 weeks ago, and I don't know if it has been evaluated. I had two suggestions to cope with translation in an easy way :

      1) about the calendar - could we in the calendar options have something like the dynamic choice field, where we instead of icon and color could have a day name field, and a Month name field, which overwrite the present day- and month names.

      2) This is analogue with this request - namely could we for example as the tip field in field options have also a field where you overwrite the hardcoded text as error/warning (fx required field), and as here  commands like add new record and add existing record.

      In this way - for most European countries no further translation is strictly necessary, as my believe is that everyone who works with the coding are also English speaking, it is only the end user, we should consider for translation.


      Hope this make sense.




      By the way - can I ask you about another item, which I am stuck with ?

    • Leo_Woer
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Fred,

    now I have been confirmed that it is not possible to do it in the linked tableview, So I have placed a view instead and a button above to add a new record - and the button I can do in Danish - the link is still where it should be, I just hide it.

    The task is that I have an inventory where I use the Material as parent and the purchase order as child, and the I am sure that the purchase orders always are linked to the specific material, and at the same time I can always see which purchase orders have been made and their status.

    I have enclosed a screenshot so you can see how I solve it until a better solution turns up.

    Thanks for your interest and all the help you give both me and the community.



    • Fred
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view
    By the way - can I ask you about another item, which I am stuck with ?

     Of course, just start a new post.