Sort and display all times in order.
Hello everyone! In my table, I’ve set up two time fields (as shown in the image). I’m wondering if I can create a code snippet in the ‘View’ table to display all the entries of time1 and time2 in sequential order. I tried some code, but it wasn’t successful. Thanks for your help!
let getCopy := (select 'table');
let pailie := for xx in getCopy do
let times := [];
if xx.'time1' != null then
times := times + [xx.'time1']
if xx.'time2' != null then
times := times + [xx.'time2']
let sortedTimes := sort(times);
let formattedTimes := for time in sortedTimes do
format(time, "YYYY-MM-DD")
45 replies
There is no time data in time2.
Do you mean you want to sort Date then Time?
There are a couple of issues here:
- you are creating an array of dates and trying to add these view element which is not possible - view elements are designed to display records which can then be linked through from the view.
- I have discovered that the array needs to be initialised with a type in order for the addition of elements to work - so let times := [text(void)].
I have created the following code which will display these dates in a formula field (with each on a separate line):
let getTimeRecs := (select Table);
let times := [text(void)];
for timeRec in getTimeRecs do
if timeRec.'Time 1' != null then
times := array(times, [format(timeRec.'Time 1', "YYYY-MM-DD")])
if timeRec.'Time 2' != null then
times := array(times, [format(timeRec.'Time 2', "YYYY-MM-DD")])
let sortedTimes := sort(times);
join(sortedTimes, "
")Not sure if this will help you or not but feel free to come back.
You seem to have changed the code so that times are no longer an array so won't sort. I have combined the code I had last time with a simple one column table structure which works for me (note the for loop going through the sorted array to build the data area of the table):
let getTimeRecs := (select Table);
let times := [text(void)];
for timeRec in getTimeRecs do
if timeRec.'Time 1' != null then
times := array(times, [format(timeRec.'Time 1', "YYYY-MM-DD")])
if timeRec.'Time 2' != null then
times := array(times, [format(timeRec.'Time 2', "YYYY-MM-DD")])
let sortedTimes := sort(times);
let tableData := "";
for time in sortedTimes do
tableData := tableData + "<tr><td>" + time + "</td></tr>"
html("<table border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;'>
<td style='width: 100%;'>Column Header</td>
</tr>" +
tableData +
</table>")Hope this helps
There is a way I've found (not done this before) which opens the record in a view (I made the view in question a Form View so that no record list showed) - but I haven't discovered how to make it a popup:
let getTimeRecs := (select Table);
let times := [text(void)];
for timeRec in getTimeRecs do
if timeRec.'Time 1' != null then
times := array(times, [format(timeRec.'Time 1', "YYYY-MM-DD") + " #" + timeRec.Id])
if timeRec.'Time 2' != null then
times := array(times, [format(timeRec.'Time 2', "YYYY-MM-DD") + " #" + timeRec.Id])
let sortedTimes := sort(times);
let tableData := "";
for time in sortedTimes do
if time then
tableData := tableData + "<tr><td>" + first(split(time, "#")) +
"</td><td><a href = '{TeamID}/database/{DatabaseID}/module/C/view/{ViewID}/node/C" +
last(split(time, "#")) +
html("<table border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;'>
<td>Column Header</td><td>Link</td>
</tr>" +
tableData +
</table>")As you can see, I added the record ID into the array values preceded with a hash, then spilt it out and used the first and last elements in the table - with the last element being the record ID which I was able to build into a link. You can get the relevant Ids by copying the URL with one of the target records open.
The if time then section removes a blank row which otherwise appears at the top of the table.
let XsTable := (select Table); let Xstbody := XsTable.--- <tr onclick="ui.popupRecord('{ Id }')"> <td>{ format('Time 1', "DD-MM-YYYY") }</td> <td>{ format('Time 2', "DD-MM-YYYY") }</td> </tr> ---; html("<div class='bootstrap5'><style></style><table class='table table-striped table-hover caption-top'><thead class='table-primary'><tr><th scope='col'>Time1</th><th scope='col'>Time2</th></tr></thead><tbody>" + Xstbody + "</tbody><tfoot></tfoot></table></div>")
Delete the top two blank lines
When select the Month on (Seleccion Mes) can't see the Prueba but can see the documents on last 3 month. Some idea ?
If you don't want to go the child table route then here is what you need to do make your original code work:
let getTimeRecs := (select Data); let getTime1 := getTimeRecs.Time1; let getTime2 := getTimeRecs.time2; let allTimesSorted := sort(array(getTime1, getTime2)); let newDataTable := for loop1 in allTimesSorted do let rec := first(getTimeRecs[Time1 = loop1 or time2 = loop1]); { id: rec.Id, date: format(loop1, "YYYY,MM,DD"), name: } end; "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"; let Xstbody := newDataTable.(" <tr onclick=ui.popupRecord('" + raw(first(getTimeRecs[number(Id) = number(Id)])) + "')> <td>" + date + "</td> <td>" + name + "</td> </tr>"); "-------------------------------------------------------------------------";
Lines 1 - 4, I created an array of the data from the Time1 and time2 fields.
Lines 5 - 12, Using the new array from above, I created a JSON that tracks the record Id, the date, and the name associated from the record. It works in the dataset since there are no duplicate dates. If you have a dataset with duplicate dates then that is another solution. :)
Line 16, I used the record Id from the JSON to find the first record where the date matches either Time1 or time2. Then I used the raw() command to just return the table and record Id. So now the ui.popupRecord() now knows which record to open.
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