iOS calendar entry duplication

Whenever I update a date entry in my Ninox database, my calendar entries on my iPhone are duplicated.

That is, if I have a calendar entry from the database for, say, 3 September and I modify any date field in the database, I will then have 2 duplicate entries in the iOS calendar. Please note, the Ninox calendar in the iPhone app does NOT duplicate entries, only the Apple Calendar on my phone.

How do I fix it so that the entries are not duplicated?  In some of the earliest database records, I have hundreds of duplicated date entries in my calendar for any given calendar entry.

2 replies

    • ruxtonalias
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Ian, I have the same exact problem. I see your post is 3 months old. Have you come up with a solution? Thx Gianni

      • Great Little Media
      • Ian_Colquhoun
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view


      Hi Gianni, unfortunately I have not come up with a solution except to turn off the “show in calendar” item on date fields. 
      This is less than ideal.

      As I understand it every entry in a calendar from Ninox gets a unique identifier so the calendar thinks it’s a new entry, even though it’s a duplicate of an existing entry.  What I do now is copy/paste the relevant Ninox calendar data into a new calendar entry. 

      What you could do is set up a calendar exclusively for Ninox and then copy the new entries across to another calendar. I was doing this for a while but the Ninox dedicated calendar was getting so messy I gave up. 
       Sorry I haven’t got better news.

      Cheers, Ian