Problem to add sign + and -
let mySelect := (select Expenses where Year = 2025 and month('Expenses Date') = month(today()));
let mySelect2 := (select Expenses where Year = 2025 and month('Expenses Date') = month(today()) - 1);
let prep := sum(mySelect.'Expenses Cost');
let comparison := sum(mySelect2.'Expenses Cost');
let diffValue := number(prep) - number(comparison);
let sign := if diffValue > 0 then "+" else if diffValue < 0 then "-" else "";
let myDiff := sign + format(diffValue, "#,##0.00 €");
let desc := " Expense variation from last month ";
let content := "
<aside class='grid-container'>
<i class='fas fa-chart-line' style='color:dimgray; margin-left:5px;'></i>
<span class='short-underline'> Monthly Expenses </span>
<span style='color:black; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;'> " +
prep +
" </span>
<span style='color:grey; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal;'> " +
myDiff +
" " +
desc +
" </span>
<aside class='img-container'>
<img src='/storage/emulated/0/Download/Xpenses.jpg' height='50'>
I have problem with the variable sing in line 9
Need to add the sign + o - in myDiff.ñ
let diffValue := number(prep) - number(comparison);
let sign := if diffValue > 0 then "+" else if diffValue < 0 then "-" else "";
let myDiff := "" + sign + format(diffValue, "#,##0.00 €");
This doesn't work either
2 replies
you don't need to repeat the if:
let diffValue := number(prep) - number(comparison); let sign := if diffValue > 0 then "+" else "-" end; let myDiff := "" + sign + format(diffValue, "#,##0.00 €");
Content aside
- Status Answered
- 3 days agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 28Views