Date Field Issue - 1 Team member's changes all show up as minus 1 day to the rest of the team

My team has 1 team member who is in a different timezone. We are in PST she is in CST (2 hours difference). If she changes a date in a date field the rest of the team sees it as the day before. So if she were to put in 10/22/2021 - we would see it as 10/21/2021.  IF any of us go in after and change the date it behaves as expected. But if she changes it, she sees it as the date she put in but we all see it as minus 1 day. Any ideas what could cause this? 


There are no formulas attached to this field. It happens in any date field in any table. We are using Ninox Cloud. 

1 reply

    • zoranlicinar
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I have the same problem with clients in australia entering data...