Make a Table appear in the Navigation
I have two 1:N Tables, but only one of them appears in the left-hand navigation? How can I make a Table appear in the Navigation down the left-hand side?
5 replies
Is Vocational Skills a sub-table of Contact?
You can show the sub-table by clicking the triangle to the right of Contact.
It must be. But I thought they all were. Is there a way to make it appear as a main table without having to expand the Contact table?
Take a look at the section
Subtables: The Composition Relationship
You basically do the opposite of this:
You can define a table reference as a composition relationship (also retroactively) by setting Composition to Yes under More options in the field attributes.
Great. Thank you. I've done that, and it now appears in the main menu.
Really appreciate your help with this. Sorry for the delay in coming back to you.
In your above model, what are "Home Visits", "School" and "Village"?
In your other post, I suggested that you keep Health as a composite relationship to Person .. or in your above model "Contact". I would think that all entry would start with Contact.. or the person that is recieving the exam.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 1977Views