Copy the result of a creating record with trigger on create
I'm having an issue with this simple code trigger after update
let AdrSoc := 'Liste adresses'.'Numéro' + " " + 'Liste adresses'.Voie + " " + 'Liste adresses'.'Code postal' + " " + 'Liste adresses'.'Nom commune';
'Adresse contact société' := AdrSoc
It'working when i select a record in the table.
It's not working when i create a record in the same table.
Somebody know what's wrong and how to fix it?
Thank you
3 replies
did you put the the script also in the field "Trigger after create a new record"?
Best, Jörg
Thank you but
I try to put the script in the table properties as you said in the original table and also in the table where the record is create but it's the same result. something is weird because there is 3 empty spaces in the field where i want to copy the result !
Best, Tom
Hi, as discussed and solved in our 1:1 video meeting, it will not work because the trigger is executed at the point of creating the new data records when all the fields you want to copy are still empty. Thats why we had execute the function via a button.
Best, Jörg
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
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