Database History

Does anybody know if it is possible to add additional information to the database history? At the moment it is only the table name and record id which is referenced.

When records are modified you can expand the record from the history but when a record is deleted it would be helpful to have more information than the record ID.

For example:

I can click #4694 and expand the record, so I know exactly which student the record refers to.

I cannot click #47 as the record has been deleted, however additional information such as the student name would be helpful if I wanted to restore one record manually.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Daniel

1 reply

    • John_Halls
    • 1 yr agoMon, June 12, 2023 at 3:56 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Hi Daniel

    I wouldn't be deleting my records. I have an archive flag that I set for archived records which I can filter out to show only current records. You can get clever with this if you use the 'Readable if' setting at the Table level.

    Regards John