Problem with "choice" the correct operation of fields


I encountered a problem with "choice" the correct operation of fields. In the formula field heve  funcrion

Display field only, if :

'Show 14' > 0 and Choice = 1 or Choice = 3 or Choice = 4


when choosing Choice = 1 everything works correctly

when choosing Choice = 3 or Choice = 4,  field 'Show 14' is equal to 0, but it is shown and its value is defined as 0. 'Show 14' is number field 

Who can give advice?


4 replies

    • Fred
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Try putting ( ) around the Choice fields?

    'Show 14' > 0 and (Choice = 1 or Choice = 3 or Choice = 4)
      • iliper LTD
      • iliper_LTD
      • 7 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank you very much, I changed the formula and it works correctly

    • Fred
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Glad it works. Looking closer now (because my brain works very slowly), why do you need Choice = 3 or = 4, if Show 14 is always 0 when they are selected?

    Wouldn't it work just with:

    'Show 14' > 0 and Choice = 1

    It should never show if Choice = 3 or = 4, correct?

      • iliper LTD
      • iliper_LTD
      • 7 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       it needs to show when field 14 is filled in, there is information there.

      After that this field is displayed in another table and there is a "Choice" field there. If i select  "Choice" value 1,3 or 4 it should show additional fields. It turns out not to show if the  "Choice" fields value is 2