The script don't work
" Variable 'Categories_>' is n:1 relationship ";
let catg := 'Categories_>';
let rate := (select Categories where Category = catg).Rate;
'Rate by Categ' = rate
I try once choose the 'Categories_>' automatically give me the rate on the field 'Rate by Categ'.
I place the script in trigger After Update.
6 replies
Hi You need to add a first() function in your select statement to return a record rather than an array
let rate := first(select Categories where Category = catg).Rate;
Regards John
Also need
'Rate by Categ' = rate
to be
'Rate by Categ' := rate
If I am understanding this correctly and Categories is the table and Categories_> is the relationship you can just use
Either assign this to Rate by Categ or use is as is and don't use Categ at all and then you won't need a trigger.
I like your _> and <_ notation by the way!
Regards John
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- 8 mths agoLast active
- 6Replies
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