Ninox vs FMP
I am considering moving away from FileMaker Pro so I am looking for another Database solution for Mac. I have written a few databases for my business but I am not a high end user. I have no need to share the Dbs but it could be handy to do so. I could do with using some Dbs on mobile devices but its not essential. I do need to manage clients, make age and duration calculations, produce pedigrees, sales documentation, keep health and weight records as well as track communications (email, calls etc). I am looking for some advice on whether Ninox would be a better choice than FMP which is increasing expensive and doesn't seem to have moved forward (except in price) in the last 6 years. I am sure Ninox can do all I have asked for but how easy would it be? - a lot the above is painfully difficult on FMP so, for example, I use Numbers for tracking weight gain by day and so forth. Ideally a good selection of ready to use scripts would be a big help so that I could, for example, display a period of lapsed time as days and months without having to write (or blag) a lengthy script myself.
2 replies
I had the same reservations as you did some time ago. Now I have transferred all my files to Ninox and everything is fine.
If you've been doing enough with the FMP, I do not think you have many problems. A little read by the manual, some questions here in the forum and everything will go ahead.
Ninox is strong enough and I imagine it will become stronger and more versatile with upcoming releases.
I keep my files in iCloud and are available to my iPhone.I hope I helped...
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 2872Views