Function parameters - which types are possible
I've found this old post
And not really any docs on the topic.
Any changes on this?
Being able to call a function with parameters record, records, arrays, JSON - without workarounds is requested.
46 replies
Sean said:
Maybe something is getting crossed in translation, but yes, you can pass a table object or a record object as an argument to a user defined functionNo, it's not a NID (table) or RID (record) variable but just an Any variable. This is very different. Similarly, the Eval function returns a variable of type Any, not of type NID or RID. That's why you can't use the result as a normal Select.
The Select function returns an NID type (try: debugValueInfo(select Customer) in console )
The Record function returns an RID type (try: debugValueInfo(record(Customer,1)) in console ).
And now try this in the console:var a :={table : select Customer,
rec : record(Customer,1)};
When calling a function with a JSON parameter, Ninox transforms the NID into Any. -
I discovered that it was possible to pass a record as a parameter to a function. To do so, you just have to put the name of the table instead of the data type (node : Customer).
function myRecord(node : Customer) do var name := node.'First Name' + " " + node.'Last Name'; name end; myRecord(first(select Customer))
I don't know what we'll be able to do with it yet, but I'm sure we'll find
I toyed around with this...
...and came to the facepalm realization that formatJSON and parseJSON will accomplish the same thing and is a little tidier.
function myFunction(tbl : text) do let myTable := parseJSON(tbl); alert("Record count: " + count(myTable) + " Name1: " + item(myTable, 0).Name + " Name2: " + item(myTable, 1).Name) end; myFunction(formatJSON((select Vendor)[text(State) = "AR"].[{ Name: Name, Address: Address }]))
Unfortunately, the data is readonly when used in a function this way.
Hi, fairly new to Ninox and now in the process of "tidying" up a database which has become a bit untidy in terms of number of fields and duplication, this thread sort of fits with what I am trying to achieve but I can't seem to make it work my aim is to have a master table and 2 child tables (soon to add a third) and for the master to pull the data from the child tables. What I have ended up with is 3 functions which I would ideally like as a single function and the key is to pass the table name & required fields into the select statement.
So what I have is this
Formula P1
let t := this;
let SELFIL := (select table2 where 'order-id' = t.'Channel reference');
SELFIL.'product-name'Formula P2
let t := this;
let SELFIL := (select table3 where 'Order Number' = t.'Channel reference');
SELFIL.'Product Name'Formula Product Name
if P1 = "" then P2 else P1 end
Sorry if this is basic but I am not a coder
Thanks in advance
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 46Replies
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