How do I remove or change a table reference?
When editing a subtable directly, there is a field with option to "search" and fill in the reference to the parent table. Once that field is filled in, how do I change it to point to a different record? If I click on the field, it brings me to the parent-table form.
11 replies
RG. The field does 3 things :- (I'm explaining this ully so that other will understand too)
1. You click into the empty field and as you say it gives you a link to another table to search and set a record to link to
2. Once step one has been done - Clicking on that field - takes you directly the the record you linked to
3. Unlink !!! You see the funny symbol at the end of the field..
Click that and it breaks the link !
So that you can start again at step 1
Hope that helps
The link icon does not appear for me. I am using the Native app for MacOS.
Ahh I see
Sorry I am totally Web version - someone will be along soon to help you then....
I'm sure its that same across all systems....
try widening the link field in Edit mode - it may just be cropped off -
The linked field is "Contacts"
Hi RG -
If I remember right, Products is a child of Contacts. Once you link a child to the parent you can't unlink them. You can only delete the record in the child table and start over. I ran into that issue and had to uncomposition two tables that I thought were a Parent/Child.
Which then brings up the question, can a product exist without a contact? or can a product switch contacts? If you answer yes to either question then Product is not a child of Contacts
That's what i have been doing thus far but according to Mel there is an "unlink" icon which I'm not seeing on the Mac version.
There is no unlink of a child record.
It can be done with code and a Button. Here's the simple line of code...
this.(YourReferenceFieldName := 0)
If you get an error you might need to put single quotes around your Reference field name. I would position the button next to the end of the Reference field and you could use the Divorce Symbol ⚮ as the name for the button. Kinda looks similar. Also, in "Display field only, if:" you can put...
YourReferenceFieldName != null
That way the button will only appear when there is a link to be broken.
Beautiful, thanks.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 11Replies
- 1075Views