Trigger After Open
I use this trigger:
if ninoxApp() = "iphone"then openTable("TableName", "PhoneView")
else if ninoxaApp() = "mac" then openTable("TableName, "MacView")
I want when the Table opens to go to last record (maximum Id).
I tried with popupRecord inside the trigger with no luck.
Can this be done?
11 replies
I could get it to work with openRecord() if I entered the Id # of the last record, but that isn't what you're looking for. It would be nice to be able to use last(Id) for the record #. Feature request!
Quite a contrast between the response you got and the response for this thread...
OK, I came up with this code:
if ninoxApp() = "mac" then
openTable("General Journal", "All")
if ninoxApp() = "iphone" then
openTable("General Journal", "Phone")
let maxId := last(select 'General Journal').Id;
openRecord(record('General Journal',maxId))***
This action selects the last record in the table and popups the last record in the form but in the table view (what I see on screen) does not navigate to the bottom of the table.
Good work. I tried something similar, but didn't use the select command. It does navigate to the correct record in table view, but it doesn't update the view to show it.
Exactly! Thank you Sean for writing my text better...
I'm not trying to upstage the work you did here... You can also use the formula used for maxId directly in openRecord() if you want.
Thanks again!
It doesn't update the view to show the correct record when it runs from "Trigger after Open".
The same code works fine (updates the view) when assigned to a button e.g. on a Dashboard table.
Nick, I'm confused. Are you using it differently now than before? It still works for me.
Sean, I'm looking for a workaround to update the view to the last record. I thought I found a solution, but it's not working.
So, ignore my previous post... Sorry!
... I'm looking for a workaround to update the view to the last record in table view.
No worries, I think that behavior might have to be fixed by the Ninox Team.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 11Replies
- 5144Views