Hello. I have a main table called projects and a sub table for my submittal log and i want to know how i can autogenerate submittal numbers? They are 3 digit and every project starts at 001
my submittal table has the following columns:
Submittal Tile: Text
Submittal #: Auto Number
Status: Combo (Approved/Declined)
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I have already invited you to the Webinar EN 2018 team. Please accept the invitation in order to get access to the team and the database.
In the team you will find a database "17_Automatic Numbers" where exactly this scenario is shown for "Table A" and "Table B". The formula is inserted in "Table B" in the option "Trigger on create". In order to get a number with leading zeros you have to use a text field for the Auto Number.
Best, Jörg
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 1343Views