Latest update broke Ninox!??
I updated from 3.7.x (I think it was the previous release, 3.7.3 but it was definitely 3.7.1 or later) yesterday to version 3.7.4 (Mac, desktop App)
My database behaviour has gone HAYWIRE since updating..
When I used to click on a field in a subtable, the form layout view for that subtable would display and I could scroll through the records using the cursor keys - the content in the visible form layout would update to reflect which record was highlighted in the subtable behind the form..
Now, if I cursor to the next or previous record multiple times, it will only refresh the visible content ONCE.. so I'm scrolling through the records but the record in the form in front of me doesn't update.
Also - existing date fields that are EMPTY.. they now default on display to 1 Jan, 1970 - which screws up some formula fields I have which calculated the difference between a start date (specified) and the end date - sometimes left empty. If the field was intentionally left empty, the formula assumes 'today' in the calculation - so when the 'end date' is 1970 because of this bug, but the start date is last year, I end up with negative durations..
I'm going to revert back to the previous version for now - but can anyone else confirm this behaviour with the latest release, in case I have a corrupt database?
7 replies
I've tried going back to 3.7.3 - the behaviour is broken there too.. Unfortunately, my TimeMachine backup on this MacBook doesn't go back any further but I tried the same database on my iMac which had 3.7.3 installed (not updated to 3.7.4 yet on that machine) and that shows the same incorrect behaviour.. worried that my database was corrupt, I restored Ninox App 3.6.10 on that machine, and the database works fine.. I believe it definitely also worked fine on 3.7.1 but I don't have a copy of that build to try.. but something has definitely broken the user interface since at least 3.7.3
The Mac App store says for me that v3.7.3 is the latest MacOS version and I am able to duplicate the issue. :(. I guess I didn't have to do this movement yet.
The iOS app did not exhibit this issue.
Have you submitted a ticket?
Hi Fred - I have submitted a big report to support, yes. I also asked if it was possible to get a previous build - 3.7.2 or 3.7.1 but they said it’s not possible.. which is REALLY disturbing.. at least with things like Photoshop, you can uninstall and revert to earlier versions via Creative Cloud.. but Apple’s App Store offers no such ability to revert to previous version…
I did find another bug this time in the editor where in switches it won't auto correct properly.
In the old version if you typed:
switch field1 do
case 1:
function code
case 2:
function code;
function code
It would automagically put in the ( ) around the two line code. But now it just gives a weird error message. You have to now manually put in the ( ).
It threw me a bit as I'm use to not putting in the ( ), expecting Ninox to fill it in for me.
On the Mac App Store, Ninox is now at 3.7.6. Has anyone updated to this version? Is it still buggy?
james said:
On the Mac App Store, Ninox is now at 3.7.6. Has anyone updated to this version? Is it still buggy?So far so good for me. They fixed Jason's issue and sorta of fixed mine. I haven't noticed anything big.
OK, thanks!
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 187Views