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HTTPS://M.LZLJ.COM/R /122179735097552622
让 aa := 这个;
let s := split(text(aa.'入库产品明细'.'物流码'), "
aa.('是/否' := false);
aa.('订单状态':= 1);
aa.('录入物流码' := 1);
for i from 0 to number(extractx(text('入库产品明细'.'物流码数量统计'), "[0-9]+")) do let i := (create '物流码')
i.('日期' := datetime(now()));
i.('产品' := first(aa.'入库产品明细'.'产品'));
for item in s do
i.('物流码' := item)
3 replies
The above code caused a problem, and the data became the same. How can I change it back to the original variety? I look forward to your help.
The problem is you put the old for loop inside another for loop and now Ninox takes the record you create and in the field 物流码 it copies each instance in the array "s" until it reaches the end so you are left with the last instance of the array.
I don't know what you are trying to accomplish with the new for loop in line 7. Before you wanted to create a new record for each instance of the URL. Now you want to create new records based on a range of numbers which has no relationship to the number of URLs in 物流码.
You should also try to stay away from using variable names that have the same name as Ninox command. item() is a Ninox command.
You can change your code to:
for i from 0 to number(extractx(text('入库产品明细'.'物流码数量统计'), "[0-9]+")) do let newRec := (create '物流码'); newRec.( '日期' := datetime(now()); '产品' := first(aa.'入库产品明细'.'产品'); '物流码' := item(s,i) ) end; end
I recommend that you don't reuse the variable "i", in line 2, so I changed it to newRec. Then in line 6 you see that I use the item() command to get the instance in the URL that matches the number of the loop your on from "i".
But as stated earlier the number in "i" may not match the number of URL instances in "s" so you may not get all of the URLs copied over.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 48Views