Hi, new to Ninox, trying to count number of Mondays, Tuesdays, etc each month
Hi, I'm new to Ninox. I am trying to build a system that counts the number of each day of the week in each month. Example:
July 2024
Mondays: 5
Tuesdays: 5
Wednesdays: 5
Thursdays: 4
Fridays: 4
Saturdays: 4
Sundays: 4
It should do this for every month one month ahead of the current month. I'm not really sure where to start. Can anyone help?
8 replies
I would tackle this by finding out how many days there are in the month (variable c) and what day of the week is the first of the month (variable d).
let a := today(); let b := date(year(a),month(a)+1,1) let c := days(b,date(year(a),month(a)+2,1)); let d := weekday(b)
Apart from non-leap year February's this day will be a 5, plus the next day for 30 day months, plus the next day for 31 day months. You want to loop through the days c - 28 attributing 5 to those days from d onwards. How do you want this represented? Is it a block of text, or records to be created / updated?
Regards John
Here's a function to return the number of a particular day of the week (where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6, for the month of a given date
function countDays(dayOfTheWeek : number,dateToCheck : date) do let a := days(date(year(dateToCheck), month(dateToCheck), 1), date(year(dateToCheck), month(dateToCheck) + 1, 1)); let b := weekday(date(year(dateToCheck), month(dateToCheck), 1)); let c := (dayOfTheWeek - b + 8) % 7; let d := a - 28; if c > d then 4 else 5 end end
Thus countDays(0, today()) give 4. There are 4 Mondays in August 2024
Wow, thank you! What we're ultimately trying to do is calculate the value ($) of a job. We charge a flat monthly rate for our subscriptions, and the service is once every week on the same day of the week. So, in some months with 4 services (4 Mondays for example), the service would be worth $50 if we charge $200 per month for the service. In months with 5 services (5 Mondays), each service would be worth $40.
We would like to have a field in each job record called ServiceValue that calculates the value of the service.
Part of it would be based on price as well, as we have three tiers, 30 minute tier, 45 minute tier, and 60 minute tier.
When I pasted what you wrote above in a formula field, it returned blank on the record. I'm assuming my very basic programming skills means I'm missing something obvious. I tried these two methods but got no return sadly:LessonDate is equal to 2024-07-31
This is an interesting way to calculate a service. Just a question: isn’t the rendered service the same regardless of which day of the week it is performed? My first thought was that the 5th-day-of-the-month service would actually be a lesser service. Or is this a way of cost accounting for a repetitive monthly subscription? Not trying to be argumentative, just to understand.
Hi ,
You could use this for the remaining weekdays of the month:
let firstday := date(year(Date), month(Date), 1); let lastday := date(year(Date), month(Date) + 1, 0); let calendardays := days(firstday, lastday); let c := 0; for dd in range(0, calendardays + 1) do let dat := firstday + dd; if weekday(dat) = 0 and dat > Date then c := c + 1 end end; "mondays left this month : " + c
change line 7 to: if weekday(dat) = 1 and dat > Date then
to check the remaining tuesdays of the month.(and so on...)
change line 7 to: if weekday(dat) = 1 then
for the total amount of tuesdays in the month.
Date is a date-field BTW
date(yyyy,mm,0) gives the last day of the previous month of mm
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